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Password: " FT4U "( All Capital )
Monday - Friday
5am - 7am
Pacific Standard Time PST
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“We trade live right before your eyes,” which operate 3 hours per trading day 5 AM to 8 AM Pacific.
We also offer access to our Weekend Research Analysis Forecast (WRAF) session.
This is when and where we provide trader education and training. Some people question the difference between “education” and “training” because it gets lumped in together in so many circles distinctive definitions become fogy (murky). Below is our distinction between the terms:
Education: A university professor pontificating about a topic for an hour ending with a terse instruction to “read (his/her) book.
Training: The university professor joining his/her students in the school laboratory for a series of two-hour classes on how to do it leaving the students with a clear understanding of precise “in-depth” instruction on how to repetitiously practice at home to get it. This includes an avenue for students who do not yet get it to reach out with questions 24 hours a day and expect an answer (a clear response to their specific question within 24 hours from the professor or an experienced lab coach, resident or respected assistance.
Our training beginning at 8 AM Pacific includes multiple sessions on about 10 topics spread over 90 days: candles, baseline, forecast, habit, how to do it, indicators, news, signals, timeframe, timeline.
You may visit our pricing plan at this link: www.SwissFT/Price_Disclosure.com